Tuesday, April 12, 2016

11 April Monday Diary

at work:
Snacking:   apple, carrots,   g-f pretzels.
Watched  The Newsroom  3: 4, 5, 6  then 1:1
Quiet as a cemetery.
My associate got locked into a reservation call that took about 30 minutes,  so God bless 'im for being here to take the call.

6:26 Out
6:27 in car
7:07 Home.
Fed a cat.
Cleaning up the kitchen after Donna knocked over the trash can.
Fed Donna.
Put my laundry away.... (that Merry had put in the wash and Stitch in the dryer in the preceding days)...
MDM   meatloaf, made last night... rice,  p- and t-chips, banana.
Watched "The Circus...
8:15 sleep.
15:00 up ... pee...    chocolate squares and milk.
Back to bed....
17:45 up...
Pill...alka/s ...  showered...dressed.... toilet...
Merry drove ... without Stitch as a ridealong, because She wanted to 'talk' to just me. 
We had a good talk.
She suggested a way to get around the problems I've been having in going along with certain activities that both have us have enjoyed together, at least until recently, when my head starting saying 'no' to it. We shall see.
18:35 in car.
  Stopped for gas
19:22 at work, 19:24 in.
My usually associate, KW was out...will be out... a few days,   due to a tragic death in his family.
SupervisorDB worked in his place.
Really quiet at work.  
We talked quite a bit, as our paths don't cross very often.
Meanwhile, his wife was at LBMem'l ER because she had gone to pick up her mother to take her to some appointment, and just ... collapsed.  
So DB was frequently in communications with people there (his brother, his daughter,  etc...) until he left at 23:30.

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