Monday, May 2, 2016

01 May, Sunday Diary

awake and asleep awake and asleep
Merry found what was clearly a 'piss hard on' in my shorts, and manually stimulated it a bit, but I clearly was too groggy to be interested, AND I had to pee rather badly....

12:20  up   for Alka/s and coffee...
 Sorted the days newspaper
 Went through coupons...
  Put laundry away  ( I had put it in the wash yesterday, and Stitch had put it in the dryer, then got it out for me).
Packed and resorted stuff.   Toilet...
Showered n dressed....
Got 'drink' ready.   
14:19 n car, with Merry driving...
We had a good chat ... all about Bullfrog.  
15:21 at work, 15:23 'in'
18:00 Merry called to remind me to take 'pill'.  She calls it 'medication'; I just call it 'a pill'.
 Working....   minor problems for the night, that just had to be 'watched',  and doing set up for all of Monday.
My associate, KW, was much more 'in' this night, than in nights past, since he mother passed away.   

23:30 started on 'The Newsroom 3:3'.

Whizzer #7

  I can imagine THIS going on and on and on

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