Sunday, May 15, 2016

11 May Wednesday DIary

at work:
Watched The Newsroom 1:1.
  Spend some time registering for online surveys.
 Watched TNR 1:3, 4, 5, 6.
Started on filter #2.
8:40 out
8:44 in car, 9:30 home
Fed all the animals.
MDM chicken on hot dog buns.
Watched TRMS-Tuesday.
11:00 sleep
14:00 up to U
18:00 UP
Pill.. UR... in chair...  Chatting with Merry through FL..
Got a bit 'cheeky' which resulted in her 'suggestion' that I fetch bath brush and church paddle..
Which I did..
and strip down and bend over the back of a dining table chair..
and she firmly applied a number of strokes of each to my buttocks.
Then sent me to a corner in the very small hallway, to stand facing, and she took a couple of pictures.... 

And Bullfrog came strolling in to use the bathroom.
She hurriedly handed to me my shirt and shorts to get into.
He turned the corner into the bathroom and may have seen me over his shoulder, but oh what the hell.
Merry and I went to BR1
 and engaged in oral pleasure for her, and intercourse which was not all that pleasureable for both of us, due to some pain involved for her.

Watched TRMS-Wednesday.... then SVU.
In order to avoid taking Bullfrog to work, she became too sick to get out of bed, so I made dinner, which meant opening a box of taquitos and putting them in the oven...
And that was dinner, along with chips.
Watched 2 of the four Elementary 's that was on the DVR
Up to U.
Sleep  00:00

Another fantasy.... naked, prone on belt for a harsh belting.  Though, IMHO, his hips should be raised up on pillows or somethin'.

I swear, when they get together like this, they are plotting a takeover

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