Monday, May 2, 2016

27 April Wednesday Diary

at work:
Watched 'The Newsroom' 1:10, then 2:1, 2
Merry called in, to say 'goodnight' at 3:20.
Watched 2: 3, 4, 5, 6.
8:10 out
8:12 on foot, to HH station.
8:22 on platform
8:27 on the Red and rolling  out
8:43 off the Red at 7th.
8:50 on the Blue
8:52 rolling out.
9:32 off at DA station.    
   called for a Lyft via the app on my phone.
9:49 home.
"Hello" to Merry.
Fed the animals.
MDM  Chicken on muffin, p chips, and cookies, while watching The Big Bang Theory from the 21st.
Got frisky...
So,  gave her a few 'gasms orally, followed by the 'grown up thing',  good for her, no happy ending for me, oh well.
11:15 sleep.
13:30 for cookies n milk.
She announced she was leaving to pick up HLB ..which was my cue to get up...  at 1715...showered dressed...
18:02 , in car me driving, to Pasadena Munch.
Arrived 1857.
Hung around til 2145 ish.  Towards the end, I was wearing ear buds, listening to music, while Merry was sitting across from me playing games on her phone.  Real fun munch.
Took HLB home, first.
HOme  22:57.
Watched TRMS from earlier...
00:00 or so, sleep.

"Whizzer" #3

   Maybe it would help, if she did THIS:

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