Wednesday, March 4, 2015

3.03 Tuesday Diary and Amusement for the day

Off work and in car 6:43... home 7:32.
Fed the critters.
Sunshine was just awake, and I asked her if there was any dinner for me.
She referred me to the small fridge, and a small pork chop therein.
I had a bit of a tantrum about how I eat one meal a day, and how did anyone expect THIS to suffice as enough.
...totally unnecessary on my part, I could have, and did, add to it...
Anyway, I heated it up, with the leftover rice'n'beans, along with bread, and returned to the bedroom with it on a tv tray, and watched "Episodes" while eating.
After a further discussion, I went to sleep around 8:30.
UP 1300 or so for P&S, and She was still next to me, watching a movie.
At one point I felt Her hand brush over my belly as I lay on my back, and I barked at Her for waking me up.
Not that I cared that much about that incident, I was still aggravated about the earlier incident.
UP 1745, and She was still in bed, watching a movie.
I hit the toilet, took a shower,  dressed, talked to Stitch who was adamant about NOT bringing in the Donna-food from the garage because, he claimed, SHE had told him not to....  kissed Her goodbye, and was in my own car 1830.
Arrived at work 19:29.

My last night at work with MT,  who has one more shift Wednesday night, but I'll be home.
Other than one flight into Burbank at 2200, that I had serious doubts about my driver making it to on time  (he did, he said he was standing inside waiting for all of 15 seconds when the passenger came out, apologizing and hoping he didn't have to wait long because the flight was delayed)
and delayed flights from NY, that came in at 01:30, 02:30, and 03:20 respectively, resulting in some chauffeurs staying out a bit longer than they are accustomed ...
It was an easy night.
Spent some time on FL, chatting with Her, while She composed Her newest "Things about Me" list....
And otherwise not too exciting.

H s l S  77
H s l O  229
H s l F  78
D UN  100
D s l C  97
Her DO  No

AMUSEMENT for the day:

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