Wednesday, February 11, 2015

02.10 Tuesday Diary

Off work, in car 0640, and home 07:26.
At which time I received an email from Ms. Ivey, saying she had accepted, was buying, the most recent story I had submitted to her.

I let loose Donna, fed the animals, and went into the bedroom, where Merry was awake, and we talked about this and that,  then  I stripped and went to the bathroom, and took a shower.
I returned to the bedroom, and got in next to Her
And we talked...
And "had sex"  I really dislike that expression for having intercourse, but I'm not quite sure how else to write it, without being crude...
Until She turned over, because She was having trouble breathing while on Her back, and after a couple minutes, my erection disappeared...
And we talked...
And with a helping hand from Her, my erection returned, and She got on top of me for a few minutes, until Her knees gave out, and She got on Her back, and I got on top....  
And we ... sigh... had sex, and I came for the first time in 82 days, then I slipped down, between Her spread legs, and licked my mess out of Her and why do some guys make such a big deal out of that, I don't get it what's the problem then we lay together talking until She said, She wanted more... which usually happens...give Her a little, She wants more more more MORE...
Well,  I was able to get it up again... and gave Her more before my erection disappeared.
Then, it was time to get up,  so I could get something to eat....
And back to bed, around 10:00.
Shortly thereafter, She left the house for Un-fun stuff in HB, including some court-mandated class in OC.
I went to sleep, accompanied by one big dog and two small ones.
She called me around 1730 to see if I was awake...I wasn't with my alarm set for 1800... oh well.
I got up at 1800, and dressed, and got ready.  
I was in my car at 1837 and at work  1937.

Work has been kinda stupid-crazy-nuts due to the major lay offs of drivers... but I got through it, and had time, to work on some stories to submit, and finished and submitted four to Ms Ivey.

I told Merry, that I have been thinking about... my previous declaration of ... partaking of Funishment exercises only when we could film it, and only Tallship was not home..... 
And was thinking, that THAT takes away some spontaneity, AND I was letting Tallship dictate to us...even though he has no idea that he's doing it, since he has no idea of my feelings about this...
And I've decided,  to hell with all that.
I AM prepared, ready, to enjoy our BDSM fun, whenever.
If it happens when videotaping is convenient, great! If not, that's great, too.   If Tallship is home, so what? 
 Let's just do this.

  I'm not going to 'suggest it'.
 I just can't do that. 
 Merry needs to initiate it. 
  With my on going IBS issues, there are times still, when I'm just not, you know, 'feeling it' 
  But there are ways...or A Way to approach it.
 Such as saying, "So... Ready for a spanking?"
Which sounds like both a question and a statement.
  And leaves it open to me saying either, "I'm just not up to it" or  which is increasingly likely, because I'm really jonesing for the action, "As you wish, my wife."

Hours since last sex  14
Hours since my last O  15
Hours since last 'action'  2012 ...83 days
Hours unlocked  1953,  79 days...I'm jonesing for this, too
Days since last Cigarette  78 ...  yeah, I miss this, a little bit
Her DO?  Yes, many


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