Monday, February 23, 2015

2.20 Friday Diary

Up 0100 for P & S
UP 830, at Her urging to let Donna out... where Tallship opened the bathroom door, JUST to get in my way, and we 'danced' so I could get to the bedroom and let Her out.... and I fed the dogs and cats, and I had a pressing need to defecate, and just like it always fucking happens, SOMEONE was in the bathroom (usually it's Stitch, but Tallship was subbing for him).  Eventually, Merry said, "He is in the shower, just go in."  So I did.
Then I lay in bed waiting for my stomach to settle.
She kissed me goodbye, leaving for an appointment.
I got up, made coffee,  emptied the dishwasher...  looked for the tea kettle which had been ...hidden?  
And sat down at Her computer.
I went online with some rep at Verizon, looking at changes to our FIOS account.  
Merry returned home 1120, and I provided her with a 'sawzall' as she wanted to go out to the driveway, and trim the bush that was growing out of hand.
I finished with the rep, to no good end, 1230.
We had called a couple days prior for a technician, to come see why our Maytag dryer was non-up.
He arrived, and I showed him to the back, via the side gate.
Evidently, he had used the gate again, to go look at the circuit box on the front of the house, and left the gate open...and had left the front gate open...and Donna went for a walk. 
Merry noticed her missing, first, and I followed...and we went out and chased her down from where she had been strolling, northwards from the west side of the house.
We finished with the tech, who determined it was a blown circuit breaker, and I wrote a check, and he went on his way.
I downloaded the panty pix that I had UPloaded yesterday, and added them to a blog page.
I got all the stories written...typed in some version, that I had written to this point...
Merry wanted the computer, and I got up, and began tidying up...  picking up the loose extension cord, scooping dog poop in the back yard, sorting recyclables from one trash can to another, setting up my contrary laptop in the living room, trying to make it usable... before I start using it as a paperweight! .
Merry was waiting for Coco to call, about some paper that Merry was going to help edit for Coco, for school, and said to me, "Doing anything important?"
I looked at the laptop that was annoying me, and said, "Not really."
"How about a spanking?"
"Um... yeah..."
We went into the bedroom...she sat on the long length of the bed,  back propped up, legs extended.  I got naked, and over her lap.
She had pulled out a light wooden spoon, and applied six.
I said, "That's not really working."
"Turn around, so I can even it out."
I did....and then I reached into the implement drawer, and got out and handed to her the wood church paddle. 
She applied 16 of the paddle to my mid buttocks, which... well, hurt, as opposed to the spoon, which did not... as I counted 'em, then she told me to turn around, and applied 16 more. 
Then she waited for that to sink in, and applied 20 to my sit spot and nearby, and told me to turn around and applied 20 to my other sit spot.
Then I sat up, and kissed Her a thank you.
And She wanted Her pillows, in preparation for a nap, which I grabbed from the top of the bed, then I went into the living room, and took a dozen selfies of my bottom.
And sat at Her computer...while rebooting my laptop again and again...  while uploading the pictures, looking at blogs,  chatting with a friend on EP,  and updating my diary/blog.
CoCo called Her back, and she came out of the bedroom, shortly after 4, to talk to her while editing her story.

Many more pix on my post  "2.20 after"

Did some updates ... helped Merry edit Coco's paper... 
Went through my laptop, editing the documents file, deleting a bunch of old junk...  
Changed pocket notebooks... again... 
Read a little from "The Science of Mind"...
Read the newspaper...
Wandered off to the bedroom...
Dinner was ready...l
Watched 'Archer' and 'Episodes'
And fell asleep around 2230...without telling Her.

Hours since last Sx  58
Hours since last O  58
Hr s last D/S             8
Hr unlocked          2193
Days since last C   86
HER DO               no

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