Saturday, October 11, 2014

Fri 10.10 Diary

Home... Showered, dried, dressed...
Leftover pizza from the office for dinner...
Re made the bed...
in bed  00:45

Up 0300 for P & S.
Alarm 0800, up 0930.
Fed the animals..
Did some dishes..
Started coffee and laundry...
Got online to check my deposit, and work on budget and bill paying.
The new video camera arrived by UPS, and started playing around with that.
Got up and dressed, as I was going to the bank, and She was going to pick up a friend to come over to do a conference call.
I made sure Her stuff was ready... phone and keys next to Her purse, etc..
And grabbed my coffee mug and went out to my car.
Fifteen minutes later, I pulled into the parking lot of my bank...
And realized I had left MY bag with wallet and checkbook at home.
I was annoyed, I was pissed, I was angry.
I had a pack of cigarettes with two left in it, in the car.
I smoked them on the way home.
Went in, got my bag, and headed back.
Into my a bunch of cash.
Went to OUR bank, made a cash deposit.
Then I went to the bank of the people we are buying the house from, and made the deposit in their account.
Then I headed home, stopping at a PO to get my IRS payment in the mail.
And arrived home.
I sprayed some stuff on my shirt, in an effort to hide the smell.
I walked in the house, and Merry noticed it immediately.
And asked, "You been smoking?"
"Yes," I said, "I was so ...pissed off."
I took a shower, and dried and dressed.
I tried to make room at the computer to download the users guide to the camcorder.  
But it was 200 pages, and we did not have enough ink in the printer, so I decided, I could do it at work the next day.
Then I downloaded the program on the computer to accept videos from the camera, but saw that it accepted AVCHD only. 
However, a couple tests showed, the mp4 format MIGHT work with the program I have installed for the OTHER camera.
We shall see.
Merry went to take her friend, back home.
I made the bed,  feeling like crap,
And got on the bed, to start watching tv.
I watched a "Gotham.."
And a second "Gotham."
Merry came home.... 
And soon, dinner was announced as ready, but I just didn't feel like it.
Merry went out to the supermarket.
I watched a "Law and Order SVU"....
ANd went to sleep, around 2200.

HsLS  86
HsLO  132
HrLD  35
H UN  532


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