Saturday, July 12, 2014

7.08 Diary

Off work  06:45,  home 07:25.
Feed the critters... fed myself...went to bed, for awhile,  0900.
Up 1300 for P&S,  and talk, and back to sleep, 1600.
Up again, 1800,  for S&D&D. 
She and D and I got in my car,  Stitch rode in Sherman's  and off we went to the Mex. restaurant where the monthly SB Munch was held.
It was my first time at this munch in months, because my work schedule usually involved Tuesday night.
The acoustics in the room the munch was held...
Oh my gosh.
Sounds and voices bounced off the walls.... it was horrible.
I had to go outside for awhile, to away from it.
BDL came out to check on me, and agreed, the acoustics were pretty bad.
I went back in, and changed my seat, from next to Merry, to the other side of the table, and wAAAY down at the end.  
I finished dinner, and excused myself to Merry, to go and sit in the car, while they wrapped up.
Eventually, they came out, and we caravaned home.
At home, Her and me online for awhile...and off to bed,  00:30.

HsLS  69
HsLO 239
HsLD  70
HR L  56

from  Corporal Punishment Implements:  The Slipper
The an implement well known for its use in British schools as well as a classic tool for parents, worldwide.  For an implement with such widespread sage, it may not be surprising to find out that there is no such thing as 'the slipper".  They come in different varieties.......

from How to Get the Spanking You Want
And in fact, imagining your partner doing just that may be very exciting and part of your spanking fantasies.
But in real life, when you're just starting out, this is a bad iea for both of you.  Forcing you to take a spanking when you're overwhelmed is much like putting a match to a powder keg- it risks putting you into emotional overload and seriously damaging the trust required between you and your partner in a good spanking relationship.  In the beginning of your relationship, you and your partner simply don't yet know eachother's spanking styles or emotional hot spots well enough to force the issue safely. ..............................

from: After the Submissive Man’s Spanking
Post Spanking Discipline
The dominant wife gave her husband a thorough spanking for accumulated minor acts of laziness, disobedience and impertinence. His discipline is as yet incomplete. Corporal punishment is only the first step in his penance.

A cold shower follows immediately after his spanking: this is to wipe away his sweat. Cold water is mandatory to keep the bath from being comforting or relaxing.
He then goes to the tiny room that he is kept in after punishment. Kneeling with head bowed he awaits his wife. Her withering and humiliating lecture outlines all of his sins.
Given pen and paper he must write and essay and apology. Usually he is forced to rewrite at least part of these until he wife grades them as satisfactory.
Providing him with a jar of water and a few slices of bread his wife chains him to the bed. He is locked in place to insure he has no other food.

When his wife frees him in the morning the slate is wiped clean and his failings forgiven.

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