Friday, July 18, 2014

7.17 Diary

Up 845...right foot hurting like hell, cant fully straighten it to walk without intense pain....
Feed animals... sat down for coffee and pills...
Fixed my laptop folders,  the bill box, read through The Document,  fixed the towel rack in the bathroom,  went through my coupon file, sorted through all my old manila folders.....
S&D&D   around 1700...
Both of us in car 1740 heading for the Munch in HB.
Arrived 1825.
Her newest  boitoi came in and sat down to Her right,  and his buddy, heretofore known as "The Bane of My Existence" or BOME, sat across from us, and did a lot of talking and even more alcohol-drinking, but did not direct his attention my way.
The speaker's topic was sissification ...and I couldn't hear Her.  Oh well.
She finished and the room was open to 'general chatting' ....and the noise level was too much for me, and I excuses myself to leave, while She waited on the return of Her credit card from the waiter.
After a bit, She came along, and we left.
First we had to go to the house of Her psychotic sister, a couple miles down the street, then we headed home, arriving 2145.  
I headed to bed  2200 or so.

HsLS 63
HsLO  117
HsLD  95
H UN  118
HER DO  no

Pre-Strap-On Sex Spanking

A woman doesn’t really need to use lubricant before having strap-on sex with her sub-male.

 A harsh, tear filled spanking will break down his resistance and he will accept the penetration of her strap-on dildo with comparative ease.

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