Friday, July 18, 2014

7.16 Diary

Our computer system...the part the relays the information from the chauffeurs back to our computer monitor was not working all night ... which meant, every code, every time a chauffeur was ... confirmed, or on location, or POB or clear.... they called on the phone or radio.  SOO much traffic back and forth that way...and it continued, all through the morning, after the morning guy arrived and so on.
Merry arrived to get me around 8:35. After the morning guy came in just before 900, I was out the door, and in the car with Her.
Home 945 or so... and feed the animals, had a bite to eat myself, and went to get some sleep around 1130.
Stitch woke me up around 1515, and Merry, again at 1516. I got up, S&D&D.
Four of us got in my car.....   stopped at a Shell, on the way and filled up.
Arrived at the GC around 1720.
A great dinner and dessert, all around....
And home 20:00.
I feed the critters...
Fell asleep in my chair...
Woke up long enough to argue with Merry about the specifications of the Spencer Plan.
Went to my room to lay down...
She came in and said, "I left you alone all day..."
I said, "Yeah, so I could sleep... so when you're done patting yourself on the back for that..."
She got mad and left.
I went to sleep  22:00.
She woke me up around 01:00 when She was going to bed, saying, "I am not going to bed mad. I don't like the way you have been treating me or talking to me   etc etc..."
Then She went to the other room, to sleep with Stitch.

HsLS  39
HsLO 93
HsLD 71
H UN  94
Her DO  No

from Corporal Punishment Implements: The Cane
 Corporal punishment always comes in various forms. Be it a motherly handspanking, administered knickers-down over her knees while she sits on the side of your bed, a primary-school slippering or one's father really teaching you a lesson with the hazel, knickers down and bent over his cherry-wood desk. This is part one of a series I want to write about the rituals and legends associated with some implements commonly used for corporal punishment. We will begin, of course, with the cane.
The cane, being a very traditional and once very common implement for correction, of course comes with a load of special punishment rituals attached. Standing at attention in front of the headmaster's desk, being told to bend over or to “touch your toes”. Or holding out your palms for the stinging vicious rattan, while the whole class is watching. To receive a genuine “six of the best” across a tightly stretched pair of uniform knickers. Perhaps having to count out loud the number of strokes, or having to thank the disciplinarian for your much deserved punishment.
The word “cane” alone (or “Rohrstock”, as it is called in my native German language) evokes a lot of pictures and fantasies. It is almost a synonym for “school corporal punishment”.
I did not get caned growing up, but my brother did. My sister had one taste of it, too, and some friends of mine also did, some even quite regularly.
When I use the cane today, and I only use it for the gravest offences, I relish in the thought of using such a time-proven device of correction. Even those who have only one single time tasted the bite of the rattan will not ever forget it, nor will they forget the lessons taught with its help.

The cane, even with its current demise in most parts of Europe and the UK, does still see widespread use in Asia and Africa, both in parental and school discipline.

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