Tuesday, January 28, 2014

01.27 Diary

Off work  0630.
Home  0730...
Chores....etc....  very quick shower, being SOOO tired..
And into Her room,  in robe and socks.
She was kind of awake, and invited me into the bed, and I dropped the robe and climbed in.
We kinda dozed, we kinda talked, we cuddled....   I was too tired for anything else....
We got up 0930 to eat....
I sat at the living room table, eating, reading a couple newspapers...
Due to the current situation with the new-to-our-house dog that wants to follow Her, or me, EVERYWHERE, I figured it would make some things easier, if I slept in Her bed, and ...it seemed to,
as when I did wake up now and then,  I saw the new dog off in one corner, the 'old' dog near the bed.

She came home,  and woke me up, around 17:00 needing to talk, about latest news about Her second youngest son.
More drama to figure out and consider, and She was going to have a meeting with Her sister, with whom the son lives with, to try to sort it all out.

I got up, like 1745, with stomach cramps or bloating or gas, I have no idea what....
Managed a quick shower, and out the door, in car 1840.

Traffic really sucked for a Monday night, and arrived at work  1950 or so.

She got home around 2200, and we chatted online awhile,  about the change in our lives for the next 5 or 6 days...

She signed off....and I continued working, on a rather uneventful night, with a stomach, constantly annoying,  not matter how many Pepto Bismol tablets, and antacids, I've taken.

HsLO  158
HsLS  131
HsLB  73
D UN  27  this month

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