Tuesday, January 7, 2014

1.06 Diary

Awake 0900 or so, and feeling so much better...
And chores....
and  WMS !
and more WMS!
AND  a big O for me,  around 11:00.

And we showered, and went to Her bedroom, to lay together a bit,  and continue with giving HER orgasms....
Until we got a call from the Banker, saying if we wanted to come in and sign the final documents...

So we got up and dressed, and went out,  to Her bank in T, and sat around there for awhile, waiting our turn, then finally.... the deed was done, and processed....
Then we went down to pick up R at work, and brought him home, in time for him to shower and get ready,  as he was going with Her to a meeting in SB, while I was going to work....

Off they went, and in due time, off I went, to work........

Hours  before THIS O   546 1/2  (Dec 14th)
Hr S This O   13
HSLS  13
HSLB  143
HR un  309  (this month, 144)

Now.... things have gotten a little  .... strange? different?
We haven't had a good...or even bad...session of DD since.... the NYE party.
That's been like ALL DAY  Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday-Monday....
Yes, I've still been trying to kick this fakokta flu/cold....
Yes, She had meetings to go to Thursday and Sunday and Monday....
Yes, we went to a 'munch' on Friday...
And we've been running all over the South Bay looking for a dress....
And She said, She's been allowing time for my rear end to heal up a bit....
Yes, I 'miss' the action, and I suspect She does too.....

But, when we go THIS long without engaging,
I get more than a little ...trepidation.... even fearful,
Because in such cases...when we've gone a long time, She's likely to say, "We have some catching up to do."
That worries me some, as my pain tolerance has ebbs and flows....
The longer I go without, the less I have.   The more frequently I'm getting it, the more tolerance I have.

So it worries me some.... well, a little bit....that when it does happen.... and it WILL, soon enough, I'm quite sure....  that She will decide, "We got some catching up to do" and I just dunno how I'll handle it.

Do not take this to mean, "I don't wanna play anymore...."
It means, I'm a leeeeeetle bit apprehensive....  
And, that is very possibly a GOOD thing.

Part of my 'darker' fantasies, if that's the right wording, is that a 'beating' is not something to be 'looked forward to', such as  chocolate cake for dessert, or a trip to Disneyland.
My fantasies are more like:  She gives me a beating because She wants to or thinks I deserve it, but I don't relish it, or look forward to it or enjoy it.
 However, the Truth is, I love it, and She knows I love it.
(Well, I love it before....and after.....maybe not so much DURING... but that's a given...)
Roleplay helps with this, some....
If She puts on Her Strict Wife face, and says, "I'm about to give you a beating because...."
And I object...a little bit...."Please, don't..."

Our lives are still going to be a wee bit NUTSO, this week...
She has work, the next couple days, and I got work two more nights after this one....
I believe we gotta go to a meeting in Dy on Thursday...
Then the WHOLE weekend in ONT..... 
Then R and I heading home Sunday, while She stays over another night....
And work for me, next Sunday/Monday/Tuesday  is gonna be .... fukkn berserk...

One day at a time.

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