Sunday, March 16, 2014

03.15 diary

Then we got the sheets out of the dryer (which we put into wash after the evening sex, and put in to dry when we got home) and made the bed....and to sleep, 0030.
I was awake with a sweet tooth attack around 0230.
UP for the day, 0915.
Eat, pills, newspaper, mail....
Move a bureau drawer closer to the cat house next to K and her kittens....who seems to be rejecting one of the two kittens...
Baled green slimy water out of the closet in the back yard where the pump for the filter for the pool seems to drip and leak...
Laundry wash...upload videos...laundry dry, laundry Her find Her checks.... put middle supports in for sagging curtain rods... looked at J's notebook computer....added Norton to it...laundry from wash to dry, laundry from dry to inside the house and away....  J and Stitch, off to the market.... fixed my glass figurine cabinet... J home, helped unload and put away groceries...laundry in and away...
Nap with J, 1700 to actual nap....
Awake, and called my parents just to check in...and up.
Gave Cookie a bath....
Set up my pill box for the week...
Packed for tomorrow, figuring on Service, then Party, then Work.
Dinner ....  bbq pulled pork.... Delicious!....
Kitchen clean up....
In bedroom 2100,   updating blogs, checking email....
I started to doze off around 22:30 as She came into bed,
but then She turned on the tv to a couple reruns of Dexter and I started to listen or watch those...
Then She was watching a rock music movie and we were both asleep.

HsLO  276 1/2
HsLS  29 1/2
HsLD 35
D UN  81
Day under punishment 22

Lyric for the Day
Come inside, the show's about to start
guaranteed to blow your head apart
Rest assured you'll get your money's worth
The greatest show in Heaven, Hell or Earth.
You've got to see the show, it's a dynamo.
You've got to see the show, it's rock and roll ....
Right before your eyes we pull laughter from the skies
And he laughs until he cries then he dies then he dies
Come inside the shows about to start
Guaranteed to blow your head apart

Quote for the day:
 Not necessarily. This is a classic example of Münchhausen's Trilemma: either the reason is predicated on a series of sub-reasons, leading to an infinite regression; or it tracks back to arbitrary axiomatic statements; or it's ultimately circular: i.e., I'm moving out because I'm moving out.
.......... I'm still confused.
 I don't see how I could have made it any simpler.


  1. What happened to the Tsunami miracle?

  2. Perhaps... it didn't mean as much to me as it did to You.
    I mean, I'm happy that You are happy about his return, but it just didn't have quite the emotional impact.
