Saturday, April 26, 2014

04.25 Diary (Back in the cage....again....)

Up, 0900, and running to the toilet with diarrhea.
I fed the animals...
She said, "It's time for your lock up, get a device, and get it on."
I did.
She tried to shut the plastic lock in place, and couldn't, so I did that too.
She started getting ready for Her trip, packing and such, and I helped as much as I could.
Her friends that were supposed to arrive at 1100, arrived at 1045.  I saw them walking up the walk to our front door, as She was coming in the back door from the laundry area, still half naked, and I told Her to 'hurry up'.
She got dressed, and came into the living room, and addressed the two ladies there,  telling them that ...
in fact, She has been divorced from Stitch for some time now, and is married to me, as of September last.
One of the ladies said, "I thought you were gay...."
I whispered with a smile, "She ... lied."
Then added, "That was just...the cover story."
I helped Her get Her bags to the vehicle,  and aided in navigation, and the three of them, with Her driving one of the other's van, departed around 11:30.
I went in, for another sit down on the toilet,  and self-administered a couple bulb's worth of enemas, in an attempt to get it all out at once.
And I dressed, and filled out the time sheets that arrived weeks ago, with Her hours of working at HLB's house.
Then I went out to my car..... stopped for gas... and drove to HLB's house, to get his signature on the sheets.
Which resulted in much conversation, at least on the listening end,  as HLB always has much to say on any given subject.
At a moment when he stopped long enough to take a breath, I got up and excused myself out.
We're the joke of the neighborhood, but why should we care if we're feeling good, and I took the long way home.
....Stopping at Her bank, to deposit the checks that came in the day before, then CVS for various prescriptions, then home.
..cleaned out the porta-potty in my bedroom, and scooped the litter box, and took a shower, and started Her laundry, and emptied the dishwasher, and measured the front yard, and drew a diagram, and cut down the spanking-yardstick, and continued with laundry, and gathered a bunch of trash to take out, and went out to the garage to count another box of comics, and brought in my box of spanko magazines, and then watched an episode of BBT from which I wanted to write down some dialog...
And I made dinner for myself.... and I finished off watching the Archer series....
And asleep about 0130, which was kinda stupid, as I was getting up kinda early to go to work.

HsLS  131
HsLO  422
HsLB  99 1/2
H Un/L   10/14
Her DO?  No
Did I offer? No

From  "Ten Commandments"
I confess all my transgressions to You, and I never lie to you."

From My Manifesto
I will never leave Her room without permission at any time unless it is a life threatening emergency.

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