Thursday, June 25, 2015

6.25 Setting the Scene

This piece is by tommyspt.
His art is usually shown in black and white; I've seen a very few colorized pieces.  
I would say ... every one of his pieces I've seen is a depiction of  F/m OTK spanking.   
Sometimes the male is quite naked; sometimes he is shown as pants down.
Always (?) bare bottom, and invariable she is wielding a hairbrush or paddle.
Most of the time, he adds his own story line to the picture....
which I try to avoid reading, because his spelling is atrocious, and his grammar is even worse.

So, below:
Naked male, over the lap of female.  Beautiful.  NIA, for sure.
Could be son and Mom, could be husband and wife. 
I'll go either way, both pairings work here.
In the lower right hand corner....magazines.
You can see the title of the top one, 'Corporal'.
I may be imagining it, but it looks to me, the cover depiction has a naked male figure over the lap of a female.
And THIS sets the scene for a story I've written many times in many ways.

Setting the scene:
Shilo had been out in the front yard, mowing and raking.
Done, he went inside, as Lynn was preparing to leave.
"I'm off to my meeting," she said.
"Okay, I'm gonna start with a shower...."

She left.
He stripped off, and took a shower, toweled off, and returned to the bedroom, naked.
He left the door open, which was the usual case, as it was just the two of them in the house.
Thinking he had plenty of time, he went to his 'stash' and pulled out a handful of magazines, all related to F/m spanking.
He sat on the bed, then reclined on the bed, while flipping pages with his left hand, stroking his erect penis with his right.
He was so focused, he did not hear the return of her car, or her entry through the front door.
He DID hear her voice as she approached the bedroom doorway.
"Wouldn't you know it, I'm almost there, and Pat called me to say the meeting was cancel.... WHAT are you DOING?"
It was one of those questions that clearly did not need an answer, as it was evident what Shilo was doing.
Wordlessly, she walked closed to the bedside, staring at him, stopped at the side of the bed, then picked up one magazine, flipped through the pages, put it aside, picked up another magazine, and continued until she had flipped through four of them.
Then she stared at him hard, while he looked at his bellybutton, 
and finally said, "Why didn't you just say so?"
From her own drawer, she produced a flat back hairbrush,  pulled a chair away from the desk and sat down, and said, "Let's go! Get over my lap!"
Shilo got up, off the bed, and bent over her lap,  and she quickly began smacking his buttocks with the hairbrush, as he moaned and wiggled....

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