Friday, June 5, 2015

6.04, Thursday Diary

Up, 117, pee and snack. 
02:30 eyes open
0600 eyes open.
845 up, about 15 min. before my alarm.
Feed dogs and cats, unlocked the back gate.
She was awake and out of the bedroom, before my alarm. 
Scooped and hosed down the back yard.
Fixed the doggy gate attached to the screen door.  Made coffee through an uncooperative coffee maker.
She took down the torn shower curtain, I assisted in putting up a new one.
Did some dishes, started the dishwasher. 
Set one Videocamera to record,  changed battery on the other oe.
And settled into the bedroom.
Spike arrived for his date, if that's the right word with Merry.
I came out of the bedroom long enough to say 'hello' and shake hands, then retreated.
They went off to the other bedroom.
I watched "The Newsroom" 2:3.
Started up my contrary laptop, and moved vids to a flashdrive.
After an hour and change, Spike departed.
Merry warmed up bean soup for Herself and me.
Which had me going to the toilet.
I sat in the living room a bit, while She was at the computer desk.
I thought about it, more and more....
And when She stepped away, and into the bedroom for a minute, I disappeared and came back with the red paddle, one as yet unused, given to Merry as a present at a PSC munch, no idea how long ago, and I left it on Her chair.
With a little prodding from me, She noticed it, picked it up, looked at me, and said, "Go get on the bench."
I ... did.
A number of painful swats from that paddle were followed by more swats with the heavy wooden spoon, followed by the long skinny tan wood paddle.
We moved into the living room, and took some pix:

and into the bedroom,  where I started by straddling Her thighs for a hairburger,  then at Her urging, engaged in "a bit of how's yer father".  
Finished, 1400 or so, and She fell asleep.
I left the room, to talk to CJ, about dogs and comics.
I called a comic shoppe that CJ said she called...and I was told, they were not buying.
I composed an email to another comic shop, and it bounced back.
I emailed the pix on my camera to Fetlife and to here, so I could post them...  and found myself dozing.
Awake after a bit, I finished NR 2:5.
CJ was outside, exercising the captive dogs, and I took the opportunity to go into the the back of the garage...   in order to rearrange it to accommodate future trips I will make into it, and also to find some books for Merry. 
CJ suggested I go through the up n down garage door to go around to the front door so as not to risk a pack of dogs coming through if I opened the side door.
SO I did, with a box of stuff I was bring in.
The front security door was locked. The main wood door was open. I pounded and yelled, no answer.
I turned around, and saw Merry's car was gone.
I went back around through the garage, and saw that the dogs had been brought in from the back yard to the kennel, anyway, so there was no fear of escape.
I took my box into the house, grabbed a flashlight and went back outside, while shooting a dirty look at CJ, when she told me, "Merry told me that She was going out for a minute."
Back in the house, about 19:15
Watched NR 2:6 and half of 2:7.
Dinner, skillet fried beef strips, broccoli and carrots mixed, and rice.
I watched "Aquarius."
She came into the bedroom.
I finished 2:7 and went to sleep  23:00.
And was up not much later for "P & S".

D sl S   5/12
D sl O   15 1/2
D sl F4m  5/12
D sl F4h   5/12
D UN  66 1/2
D sHl DO  5/12
D sl C  190  
D G-F 15 1/3
D since Merry 'dated'  1/2

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