Tuesday, July 23, 2013

found on "tpeMaster.com"

Allow me the strength to answer questions I can't fathom.
Allow me the spirit to know Her needs.
Allow me the serenity to serve Her in peace.
Allow me the love to show Her myself.
Allow me the tenderness to comfort Her.
Allow me the light to show us the way.
Allow me the wisdom to be an asset to Her.

Let me be able to show Her each day my love of my service to Her.
Let me open myself up to completely belong to Her.
Let me accept my punishment with the grace of a man.
Let me learn to please Her, beyond myself.
Grant me the power to give myself to Her completely.
Give me the strength to please us both.
Permit me to love myself in loving Her.
For it is my greatest wish, my highest power, to make Her life complete,
as She makes mine.

slave acknowledges that its purpose for being is to serve the Will of Mistress.
its function in life is to please, worship and obey its Mistress, whose property slave is.
slave swears to always honor its Mistress through obedience and service to Her. its mind and body are Hers to use in any way She chooses.
slave realizes that Mistress is under no obligation to explain Her orders or to justify Her punishments, but it is under every obligation to obey Her and accept Her punishments.
As a slave it lives to worship, obey and please Mistress, Who gives meaning to its existence.
slave exists to serve.

Mistress, grant me the courage and strength of purpose to follow your way.
Allow me, a simple slave, the opportunity to serve and grow.
Help me face my fears, embrace my new reality and emerge from behind my mask of denial to meet and join you on a journey of discovery and enlightenment as you prepare my naked self to become part of you.
I ask this with peace and love.

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