Monday, July 8, 2013

June 28 c = 21

Got off work Thursday night at 0100.
Mistress told me She was going to sleep around midnight, so I didn't call Her after work, like I usually do.

And I felt very lonely, very depressed about it.
I can't believe how dependent I've become on Her,  how attached I've become, how much I just wanted to hear Her voice.

I slept fitfully, and was awake before my alarm.
My usual instructions have been to call Her when I get up, but she did not relay those to me the previous night, either.
So, I got up, went about my usual business, and once done,  I sent Her a text.
She replied, "I Hope you slept well."
"Not really..."
"Can I help?"
"It just..stupid of me.."
"Please explain.."
"Not able to..."
"Not able to discuss, or do something, or not willing to open up..."
"Can't find words, and pre panic attack symptoms."
  True. My chest was tightening up, my breathing was labored....
"Okay I accept that, please understand I will ask again...It is my duty to be there for you."
"I love you and care about your well-being."
"I know..."
"Yes, I know you know, but it never hurts to be reminded."
"PA... Prince Albert?"
" you need to cancel tonight?"
...Oh God no....
"I'm trying to get through NOW"
"May I call you?"
"What took you so long?"
And She called.
I was feeling depressed, lonely,  a little stressed due to what I knew would be challenges at work,
As we talked, I calmed down.  
She told me, I should call ANYtime I wanted or needed to.
And a bunch of other things.

And we hung up, and I made a few minor preparations for her visit to my place, tonight,  then I showered, dressed and went to (came to work).

Around 16:30, She sent me a text:  "Are you happy?"
"No, stressed."   Work was ..being difficult.
""Boo! I will let you get back to work."

Work stuff ... worked out.
Plowed through it, now just waiting for  ch ch changes.
It's 22:30,  my schedule is to be here til 0100, I'm hoping to leave midnight ish.
We shall see.
Then She'll be at my place...  maybe waiting for me, maybe after I get home.
And that will be tomorrow's story.

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