Wednesday, August 19, 2015

On chastity - for couples

One of the best things about living a female in charge lifestyle is that it is a decision driven way of life. Rather than simply reacting to the random everyday events, allowing chance to be the architect of your future, putting her in charge of his sexual fulfillment through enforced male chastity gives her power. And starts change toward a proactive decision maker and planner.
The fact that she is decision making for her male about something that is so important and intimate to him, causes her to consider her own goals, needs, and desires. This assures, to the greatest extent possible that her life ends up becoming exactly what she desires. Contrast this with the lives of average girls as they only react to events, and their satisfaction and ultimate outcome is left to random chance, leading to frequent frustration and disappointment.
Active decision making is often avoided because people think that it is easier to just let events take their course. This is undoubtedly incorrect, and it is always easier to achieve ones aspirations if decisions are made proactively across all facets of life.
Due to the very direct level of control and intimate power that is thrust upon her, enforced chastity of the male is the best, and I might add, the easiest way for a female to improve the practice of having her goals and aspirations met on both a long term and a short term basis.
Once she makes an active decision about how often and n what ways her male will be allowed to orgasm, and if she takes a few moments each day to enforce her decision, she will find that her life will become immeasurably easier as his focus naturally moves away from his own gratification and towards hers. Thus, enforcing control over the male orgasm is not added work, rather a very effective method of reducing the female’s workload, and molding the males behavior to better match her desires.
Females should think: How do I feel about the male orgasm itself? Do I enjoy watching it? Is it disgusting to me? Offensive to me? Do I just not care one way or the other? The answer will help to serve as a guide to proper decision making.
Using the above answer as a guide, and whatever desire she has for her own sexual use of her males cock, she can then easily decide how often he should be permitted orgasm. Weekly, monthly, quarterly, only on special occasions, yearly? The possibilities are indeed endless. Other frequencies used fairly often by female supremacists include: only on days she intends to permit intercourse so that the male can perform properly, or indeed, as many females have decided, on occasions as supervised teasing or masturbation as an infrequent but powerful reward.
Done properly, there is no risk to the male if he leads his life under severe orgasm control including living out the rest of his life without another orgasm. Prostrate massage could be an alternative to keeping a male undergoing long term orgasm denial healthy. Resources about prostate massage how’s and whys abound on the internet.
Strict and ongoing control of the male orgasm is so important to the female supremacist because of the profound effects it has on male behavior. These positive effects are the result of his instincts for reproduction.
All males who are not under strict orgasm control are completely sexually satisfied at all times. This is because all males use masturbation every time relief of their biological drive is needed. To believe anything different about male masturbation is to be dishonest with oneself.
A sexually satisfied male is, due to his instincts, a male who is no longer motivated to completely please the female in his life. His instincts cause this lack of interest in pleasing her because his drive to reproduce has been temporarily met. Without the instinctual drive for reproduction pushing him forward, the male cannot be properly focused on her needs, wants, and desires. Rather the male will always place his own needs and wants first.
This is not learned behavior, and this is not somehow the males fault. Neither is it something which he can change. It is simply how the male gender functions as a result of the instincts it possesses.
Contrast this with a male who lives under strictly enforced orgasm denial. The denied male, when not in a sexually satisfied state will have his entire focus on fulfilling the needs, wants, and desires of the female in his life. All of the males otherwise wasted energy will be directly focused on her pleasure, not only her sexual satisfaction, but in all areas of her personal, family and professional fulfillment and life.
Again, this is not something that the male has learned, or that he can change, it is simply male instinctual response.
His instincts force his energies towards satisfaction of his need to reproduce, this naturally translates into behaviors in which he does everything possible to earn the affection of the female who controls his ability to orgasm.
When the female muzzles her male with an effective chastity device, and exercises an effective release schedule, she will have a male uniquely devoted to her happiness. When she does not do these things, his instincts force his behavior to fall far short of the ideal.
An interesting side benefit of enforced male chastity is that the male who is sexually unsatisfied will have more energy than he would if he were sexually satisfied. This is a biological response in the male that can be quite profound, and extremely positive.
In most males this extra energy is manifested as creative energy, in others as physical energy. Either way, it can be of great benefit to the female supremacist as she uses it for her increased pleasure.
Behavior modification is another tremendous benefit brought about by the males lack of sexual satisfaction. As females we need to admit to ourselves that we all have a desire to change our male. We want him to more often exhibit behaviors which please us, and less frequently exhibit behaviors that are displeasing to us.
Females are taught by society that it is not right to want to change the male, and that even if it were ethical, it can’t be done anyway. The conclusion we are to draw is that if we try to change our male our efforts will fail and we will be deeply disappointed.
This is a lie, a lie of course foisted upon females by our prevailing patriarchal society. A lie which should not be allowed to stand as we females create our future gynarchy.
Male behavior will change and improve dramatically when the female supremacist removes her males sexual satisfaction. His instincts will drive him to exhibiting pleasing behavior towards her, and will make it much more difficult for him to exhibit behaviors which she does not approve of. As females, control of the male orgasm is our best opportunity to improve our males behavior patterns and mold him more closely into the “man of our dreams.”
Through enforced chastity we can change the male with relative ease, and we should do so.
When discussing enforced male orgasm control it must be remembered that there is a significant time delay as the male moves from a state of sexual satisfaction to a state of sexual dissatisfaction. It is not instantaneous or even quick, and a control only exercised for a few hours or a few days will not yield the desired effects.
A good rule of thumb is that it takes about a week in the average male. If he is allowed orgasm on Sunday for example, and is denied orgasm until the next Sunday, he will be getting his orgasm at about the same time as he was finally becoming sexually unsatisfied and his instincts were beginning to align his focus on the females needs and wants.
Thus a male who is granted one orgasm per week will never be able to give the female his proper focus. She will not receive the benefits of enforced chastity because she is not allowing enough time for him to become sexually unsatisfied.
A helpful way for females to consider this is by thinking about it as a vacation. Every time the male achieves orgasm his focus will move away from her for about one week. During this time he will be “on vacation” as he will not be serving the female to the best of his ability.
With that in mind, when thinking about how often her male should be allowed orgasm, the female should consider how many weeks per year she wants his focus to be away from her, and how many weeks of “vacation” he should be granted.
One male orgasm per week translates to 52 weeks of “vacation” per year.
One male orgasm every other week translates to 26 weeks of “vacation” per year.
One male orgasm per month translates to 12 weeks of “vacation” per year.
One male orgasm per quarter translates to 4 weeks of “vacation” per year.
One male orgasm every six months translates to 2 weeks of “vacation” per year.
One male orgasm per year translates to 1 week of “vacation” per year.
Completely doing away with the male orgasm through permanent enforced chastity will result in the male always being focused on the fulfillment of the her wants, needs, and desires. But of course, the goal is obedience and appropriate behavior, not all loss of hope.
As females in power we should ask ourselves, how many weeks of vacation does the average employee receive per year? How many weeks per year should we be willing to tolerate our males focus being on his desires, rather than our own? When we consider these questions, the best answers for ourselves, and our relationships will come.
Once it is decided through an active and thoughtful decision making process how often the male will be permitted orgasm, the male should simply be informed of the decision, and expected to obey without complaint.
The female must of course hold true to her decision and not allow temporary weakness or pity to soften her resolve. If she does not enforce her decision, all of her efforts will be for naught.
As mentioned, the male should not be allowed to complain, or even to request an orgasm. Complaints and whining are poor behavior that should be punished. A request for orgasm is nothing more than whining for attention. Knowing that, the female must use care in her choice of punishment. 
In some instances, it is appropriate to use physical corporal punishment, such as an intentional spanking or whipping. Application of some sort of chemical to his balls or penis can also be a non-dangerous but memorably painful reminder. This is particularly effective when he is tricked; in the words tie him down, tell him he is going to get an orgasm, and instead he has to suffer. Whatever discretion or behavior needs to be altered will not be repeated for a long while.  
A time out option is also sometimes appropriate. If the male complains, whines, or begs to annoyance, place him somewhere out of the way for a few hours:  In a closet with the door closed, in a spare room tied to the bed overnight or the garage or basement.  Of course keep in mind the issue of safety to his wrists and ankles and body. Almost assuredly he will need to be gagged while locked away.
One other punishment option is to make him endure something disgusting such as handcuffing him in the shower and pissing onto his face. 
Whatever she chooses, it should make her feel more powerful. It should make her feel like she is having fun or getting revenge at his expense. The female in charge should never feel that denying her male the act of orgasm for long periods of time is overly cruel. In fact, rather than cruelty, long term orgasm denial is a gift she provides her male. This is because for the male in a relationship based upon her power, being granted an orgasm is not expected but an occasional reward and act of sympathetic mercy.
His instincts drive him to an extremely powerful desire for orgasm, but deep down, in the core of his being, he does not truly desire sexual release.
From a practical standpoint, after orgasm it is much harder for the male to serve the female, and he finds much less fulfillment and joy in his service to her. Intellectually, he knows this, which is why more intelligent and successful men seek out a female who is willing to be dominant and controlling.
From a less practical standpoint, when the male achieves orgasm it is accompanied by a release of sexual tension. As being in a state of sexual tension is so blissful, the male orgasm is always to one extent or another a disappointment.
As female supremacists working to improve our lives, and constantly expecting more control and power, we need to use our intellect to decide how to best regulate the orgasm in our males. Males can’t do this themselves because their baser instincts cause them to abandon their own intellect in favor of following their “idiot stick.” Strict control of the male orgasm will greatly improve the life of the female who is willing to exercise that control, it will also however serve to improve her males life as she uses her intellect to overrule his “idiot stick”…

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